mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

Future, future, fuuuuture!

Hey guys! How are you? I'm very fine because I've found the ring I bought this summer in Edimburgh. I have always thought that it brings me good luck and I hope that in these future days everything will be all right :) As I said I believe it brings good luck but I'm not too much supersticious. Some days ago my English teacher said to us to write some sentences including jobs. So I wrote ''Each man is the architect of his own future''. I have invented this phrase because I think that we don't know what coul happen tomottow, in three days or next year, but we have the possibility to change it, to let something happens. Now we just imagine how our future will be while the really events are going to be created by us! I post you a picture that I found on the net and I hope you'll comment on it :)

mercoledì 9 novembre 2011

Hey magnificent day :)

Hiiiiii friends :3 Today I'm going to post you one of my best photos. You can judge it banal but I think that its meaning is very important and often undervalued. You can see the rays of sunshine that filter out the trees. The sun is symbol of serenity and happiness, while the trees are details of the nature. In fact I've taken this picture some week ago, in a morning that I've spent with my class-mates in a park. I believe that also the sun and a good day spent with nice friends could be useful to let us understand how beautiful life is and we have to live every moment of it! :)

venerdì 4 novembre 2011

Space of Sun!

Hi readers! I'm sorry if I haven't written posts last days but I wasn't in Bari, so I didn't have the pc. Today I'm going to make up for lost time ;) I just want to post you a song that a friend of mine sang yesterday. I love this song because it talks about the story of a girl who loves a marry man she fell in love with. She says that se'll never find someone like him. It has been on the top of Italian and English music charts for months. For me this song is very touching because I lived a situation like this and I think that most of you has lost a special frined. So let's remember good past times 'cause it's always useful.